Dr. Binzie Roy Davidson DBA

Dr. Binzie Roy Davidson DBA

Dr. Binzie Roy Davidson, is the President and the Chief Executive Officer of Caribbean Cricket Club of Los Angeles, Inc., and a Member for over twenty years. He is originally from Westmoreland, Jamaica. However, he currently resides in Los Angeles, California, for 36 Years. He awarded a Jamaican Commonwealth Scholarship in 1984 to Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia, under the aegis of the Australian and Jamaican Government where he pursued Advanced Degree in Sports Medicine. Dr. Davidson attended Universities in the USA, earning degrees up to a Doctorate in Business and Healthcare Administration.

Dr. Davidson worked as an Educator for over Ten Years, then moved into his own business as an Entrepreneur in Business and Healthcare for over Thirty- Six Years working as President/CEO of UNI Healthcare/The Wright Home Care in Community Nursing and Rehabilitation Services and VP of H&R Healthcare Management LLC Nursing School. Dr. Davidson has extensive Credentials in Nonprofit work. He received National and International Awards for his work in Non-Profit Organizations and as an entrepreneur. He received THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIFETIME SERVICE ACHIEVEMENT SERVICE AWARD 2021 for Voluntary Service in Nonprofit, Philanthropic, and Educational Development. He is an inductee in the Prestigious Marquis Who’s Who Biographical Registry in 2021 based on his Noteworthy Accomplishments, and as a Change Agent.
Dr. Davidson is an expert on International Business, Strategic Management, Technological Development, Leadership, Change Management, Human Capital, Corporate Strategy, Organizational Structure, Financial & Performance Management, Measurement and Marketing.